Ad Safety Overview

Blocking refers to preventing specific ads from being shown on your site and is the predominant ad safety control within Commerce Grid.

There are three kinds of blocking publishers can control the settings for:

  1. Advertiser blocking, which blocks an advertiser and all their creatives from being shown on your sites.

  2. Creative Blocking, which blocks specific creatives for infringements of some sort.

  3. Category blocking, which blocks whole categories of creatives from being shown on your sites and which is sent to Buyers in the bid request so they do not bid with such creatives.

To learn more about managing your blocking settings in the Commerce Grid UI, please watch the walkthrough video on the right, or read on.

Advertiser Blocking

To block certain advertisers from being advertised on your sites, you need to block the ad domain(s) to which their ads send users. To block an advertiser, use the following steps.

  1. Open the Ad Safety ‣ Blocked Advertisers ‣ +Block advertiser(s) page

  2. Enter a list of domains and/or app bundles that you wish to prevent from being advertised on your sites/apps, e.g., 1776628618 (The iOS bundle ID is numeric) , com.example.dodgy (The Android Bundle is lower case)

  3. Select the inventory groups for whom this advertiser should be blocked

  4. Select an appropriate blocking reason and Block Advertiser(s)

Category Blocking

To block certain categories from being advertised on a publisher’s sites, use the following steps.

  1. Select the publisher you want to configure from the Inventory Management ‣ Inventory Groups ‣ (Inventory Group Name) page.

  2. From the Blocked Creative Categories section, add the creative categories you wish to prevent from being shown on the publisher’s sites.

  3. When you are finished, select Confirm Selection.

    • Once set, when requests are sent to buyers, these categories are declared as blocked in the bid request.

    • Additionally, should Buyers ignore this setting and bid with blocked categories, such bids are invalidated by Commerce Grid and not submitted to the Supplier/Publisher auction.

Creative Blocking

To block creatives from being shown on your sites, use the following steps.

  1. Open the Ad Safety ‣ Blocked Creatives ‣ +Block creative(s) page

  2. Enter a list of creatives you wish to block and select the appropriate blocking reason. This reason will be communicated to the Buyer.

  3. Select Block Creatives. This setting blocks bids from Buyers that respond with the creative ID. On rare occasions, this may effect the performance of a deal.