
The Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) has one current valid version, TCF v2.0, v1.1, having sunset on September 30, 2020. You can read more about that in this Dates You Need To Know For The TCF V2.0 Switchover article. Use the following information to update your integration with the Commerce Grid to use TCF 2.0.

  • You must adopt the TCF 2.0 consent string when sending or receiving bid requests. Buyers can expect to get version 2.0 of the string when their suppliers send it to the Commerce Grid. You can read more about the information encoded within the consent string here: Transparency and Consent String with Global Vendor & CMP List Formats.

  • You need to be registered with the IAB and listed in the Global Vendors List v2 so that any user consent granted to you and the purposes for which it has been granted can be validated.

  • For user syncing:

    • You need to update the user syncing URL that the Commerce Grid uses to sync cookies with you to include your Global Vendors List ID as part of the consent macro

    • You need to support v2.0 of the consent string

    • It is recommended to support the new optional gdpr_pd macro

# v2.0 syncing macros. 686 is The MediaGrid's GVL ID. You will need to use yours
