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Publishers can leverage third-party data from Grapeshot to enrich their supply packaging further. Grapeshot (Oracle Data Cloud Context Segment Builder from Oracle) provides powerful off-the-shelf contextual audiences and brand suitability segments that can be used within packaged supply to ensure relevant content adjacency, while protecting advertisers from appearing in inappropriate or brand-unsafe environments.

Grapeshot third-party data is AVAILABLE GLOBALLY.

By default, we have pre-selected a number of data segments from Grapeshot that can be used in deal packaging.

Targeting Segments

Select from the existing available segments by searching for Grapeshot a data provider, within the “Audeince Segment” section of the supply packaging workflow. 

Requesting New Segments

If additional segments are requested, review the list of available Grapeshot segments and Email with the desired segment & our integrations team will confirm the segment will be made public (Turnaround time 48-72 hours).