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Welcome! This document will explain integrating with Commerce Grid's Standalone / Publisher Tag solution.

Criteo provides a piece of code to be added in the header of the pages before the ad server callout. This generates an asynchronous call so Criteo can identify the user and return a bid. This information, including the bid price, is then sent to the adserver.

Criteo campaigns are targeted in the adserver based on Custom keyword criteria.


You will receive from Criteo:

  • A script is to be placed on the header of your pages. Don't use the examples from this guide

  • Creative codes to be used in the adserver

We will need you to:

  • Implement the scripts on the page header

  • Update your adserver setup. Alternatively, your Criteo contact can provide an automated solution.

    • Create the line items for the different bid prices in your adserver

    • Implement the targeting rules and the creative code

  • Criteo complies with the IAB Consent Framework. Please refer to their documentation for more information and examples of certified CMPs.

Standalone Script - Loader

This code initializes the Criteo tags. The code will load the publishertag.js library and will also build the events queue that will be used later. The loader request is asynchronous and is cached on the user's browser. Please place this code before the DFP tags detailed below.

Standalone Scripts - DFP tags

All you need to do now is to identify your existing DFP tags (see sample on the right) .

You can also find a working example on this page.

Standalone Scripts - Lazy load

For units that are loaded after the initial page load (i.e. lazy load, infinite scroll, single-page application rendering), pass the DFP slot(s) as an array through the placements field in the object that is passed in the RequestBidsOnGoogleTagSlots function.
This will cause requests to be sent only for specific placements instead of all placements on the page.






List of GPT slot objects