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This video will introduce you to the Commerce Grid platform.

Start here to learn the basics of the different modules that make up the UI, and to get tips and tricks to getting started. The following videos go into further detail about each module and feature.

Inventory Groups

This video will guide you through setting up Inventory Groups, which you will create to manage different inventory segments.

For more information on Inventory Groups, visit our Supply Hierarchy page. For more information about onboarding your inventory, visit our Supply Onboarding page.

Ad Units

Like Inventory Groups, Ad Units are another level in the hierarchy of inventory management. Ad Units are where you'll map and manage specific ad units from across your properties.

For more information on our Supply Hierarchy, visit this page. Check out our Supply Onboarding guide to learn more about onboarding your supply.

Ad Blocking Settings

This video details the different ad-blocking settings available to you in Commerce Grid.

For more information on blocking, visit our Ad Safety guide.

Demand Sources

This video teaches you how to view and manage demand connections in Commerce Grid.

Visit our Demand Sources guide to learn more.

Supply Packages

This video introduces Commerce Grid's supply packaging capabilities. Watch to discover how you can package your inventory into private marketplace deals to deliver to buyers.

Check out our Supply Packages guide to learn more about the process. Visit our first-party and third-party data guide to learn how to package data on top of your inventory.


Learn how to manage your account settings in Commerce Grid with this video.

If you need to review or edit your settings in the platform, navigate to the Settings page inside of Commerce Grid.

Domains & App Bundles

This video details how Domains and App Bundles are managed as part of your inventory hierarchy in Commerce Grid.

For more information on Domains and App Bundles, visit our Supply Hierarchy page. For more information about onboarding your inventory, visit our Supply Onboarding page.