
Welcome to Criteo's Commerce Grid product documentation home. Our aim is to provide you with comprehensive, precise, and dependable information about Commerce Grid and the ad tech industry. We strive to surpass your expectations in terms of customer experience, accessibility, quality, and innovation. You can explore the documentation by clicking on the tiles in the Documentation Home Page under Browse by Category.

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Finding What you Need

We hope you’re finding the Commerce Grid Documentation Center helpful! Our goal is to provide a seamless experience, so if you’re having trouble finding information, here are some common reasons and solutions.


Use the Table of Contents feature on the left navigation to navigate select areas within this integration guide.

Where to Find Support and Training

Links to support and training resources are located under the Additional Resources tile. As the Documentation Center grows, more resources will be added, so check back regularly!

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All current content in the Documentation Center is publicly available, so a login is not required unless you’re a site administrator. When new content requiring login access is added, we’ll let you know.