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Provides information about a particular slicer. This information includes the list of available key and data fields and their descriptions. There are no request fields for this except those required for all requests, i.e. slicer_name, project_name, and token.

See the Always Required Fields section for details.

Response Fields




Returns the status of the request, success if the request was processed successfully, or an error code if any error occurred. If the request is not successful, then the response contains the status and reason fields only.

  • success the request was processed successfully.

  • bad_request invalid request parameters, please see the reason field for more details.

  • timeout the request took too long to complete.

  • access_error the user doesn’t have access to the specified project/slicer, or a wrong token was used.

  • internal_error the request failed due to an unknown problem.


Returns the status of the request, success if the request was processed


The slicer time zone.


time zone support sign. Possible values:

  • 1: time zone is supported.

  • 0: time zone is not supported.


The first date with available data for the slicer specified by the slicer_name POST argument. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.


The last date with available data for the slicer specified by the slicer_name POST argument. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.


The key fields available for the report specified by the project_name and slicer_name POST arguments

  • name key field name.

  • description key field full name.

  • type key field type. Possible values: int and text

  • mapping key field mapping or null (if key field mapping doesn’t exist).

  • is_segmented key field segmentation sign. Possible values:

    • 1 the field is segmented.

    • 0 the field is not segmented.


the list of data fields available for the report specified by the project_name and slicer_name POST arguments.

  • name data field name.

  • description data field full name.

  • type data field type, either int, float, or percent

  • display_precision default precision for visual display.

  • is_optional defines data field display importance. Possible values:

    • 1 data field display is optional (the data field is not displayed in UI, when the Slicer is initially opened, but it can be added later),

    • 0 data field display is required (the data field is displayed in UI, when the Slicer is initially opened).

  • show_percent defines whether to show percent column in user interface. Possible values:

    • 0 don’t show percent

    • 1 show percent only when sorting by the field,

    • 2 always show percent.

  • formula data field formula. Possible values:

    • null for common data fields.

    • data field calculation logic for derived fields.

    • formula_description data field formula description. Possible values:

      • null for common data fields.

      • data field formula description for derived data fields.

  • access access permission. Possible values: null/ shared / private. null value is set for common data fields only. shared/private values are set for custom data fields only. shared value means that the custom data column is available for all users. private value means that the custom data column is available for its creator only.