Bid Response Ext Object
Bid Response Ext Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
protocol | string | (Optional) The latest The MediaGrid protocol version this bid response is compliant with, for example |
Seat Bid Object
Formally there can be multiple bids within the Seat Bid object for two reasons.
There can be several slots in each bid request.
There can be more than one bid for a single slot.
Commerce Grid allows no more than two bids for a single ad slot. Bids belonging to the same seat must be in the same
array, i.e. all
values must be unique per response.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are optional.
Seat Bid Object Properties¶ | ||
Value | Type | Description |
bid | array of objects | Array of Bid Objects, see Bid Object. The maximum number of bid objects per single bid request ad slot is two. |
seat* | string | The seat ID of the bidder on whose behalf this bid is made. The value should match one of the values supplied in the
group* | integer | The following values are supported:
Bid Object
(*) Fields marked with an asterisk are usually optional, but may be required for some Suppliers; check for usage notes
Bid Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
id | string | A bidder-generated ID for the bid object, used for tracking and debugging purposes, for example |
impid | string | The ID of the impression object ( |
price | float | The bid price as a float value, expressed as CPM. All prices assumed to be in USD if the |
protocol* | integer | The Video response protocol of the markup if applicable, see the Video Response Protocols table for the valid values. Note: This field is required in video responses. |
adm* | string | Creative markup for banner ads.
burl | string | (Required) Specifies the billing notice URL called by Commerce Grid using a server-to-server call when Commerce Grid records a billable impression.
nurl | string | (Optional) The win notice URL called if the bid wins.
iurl* | string | Sample image URL (without cache busting) for content checking, e.g. REQUIRED: for banner bid requests. |
language* | string | The Alpha-2 ISO 639-1 code for the creative’s language, for example, Use this field instead of the deprecated |
adid* | string | ID that references the ad to be served if the bid wins. Either the Notes:
adomain | array of strings | Advertiser’s primary or top-level domain for advertiser checking. This can be a list of domains if there is a rotating creative. :Note:
bundle* | string | A platform-specific application identifier intended to be unique to the app and independent of the exchange. On Android, this should be a bundle or package name (e.g., |
cid* | string | Campaign ID or similar that is used by the Buyer to track and organize their campaigns, for example, REQUIRED in responses for Rubicon, Nexage, Smaato and MoPub. |
crid* | string | Creative ID to assist with ad quality checking. Either the Notes:
attr* | array of integers | Creative attributes as defined in the OpenRTB protocol, for example, |
dealid* | string | Reference to the |
h* | integer | The height of the creative in pixels when an alternative ad size is used, is relevant for banner ads only. |
w* | integer | The width of the creative in pixels when an alternative ad size is used, is relevant for banner ads only. |
cat* | array of strings | The IAB category of the creative. |
slotinpod* | integer | Indicates that the bid response is only eligible for a specific position within a video or audio ad pod |
mtype* | integer | Type of creative markup. The following values are supported:
dur* | integer | Duration of the video or audio creative in seconds. |
ext* | object | This field may be required under certain circumstances, see Bid Ext Object. |
Bid Ext Object
Bid Ext Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
data* | array of object | Returns arbitrary data to the Supplier, each object can take and data.value to describe the data, see the Data Response Object for more details. |
vast_url* | string | The URL pointing to the location of the VAST document for bid responses to video traffic, for example,
For more information see the Video Ext Object section. Note:
daast_url* | string | The URL pointing to the location of the DAAST document for the bid response, for example, REQUIRED for bid responses to audio traffic. Note:
native* | object | Contains the details of the native response, for more information, see Native Response Object. |
skadn* | object | Apple Ad Network Object, will be used to pass app data from iOS 14 and newer releases. See SkAdNetwork Extension |
SkAdNetwork Extension
skadn Ext Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
version* | str | Version of SKAdNetwork desired. Must be “2.0” or above. From SKAdNetwork v2.2 onwards, this should be used in the |
network* | str | Ad network identifier used in signature. Should match one of the items in the |
campaign* | str | Campaign ID compatible with Apple’s spec. As of 2.0, this should be an integer between 1 and 100, expressed as a string, e.g. |
fidelities* | array of objects | Supports multiple fidelity types introduced in SKAdNetwork v2.2, see the SkAdNetwork Fidelities object for details. Note From SKAdNetwork v2.2 onwards, this object wraps some of the other fields in this table into it. As a result, |
itunesitem* | str | ID of advertiser’s app in Apple’s app store. Should match the |
nonce* | str | An ID unique to each ad response (GUID/UUID) e.g. |
sourceapp* | str | ID of publisher’s app in Apple’s app store, this should match the |
timestamp* | str | Unix time in millis string used at the time of signature. From SKAdNetwork v2.2 onwards, this should be used in the |
signature* | str | SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple e.g. |
SkAdNetwork Fidelities
Fidelities Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
fidelity* | int | The fidelity-type of the attribution to track e.g |
nonce* | str | An ID unique to each ad response (GUID/UUID) e.g. |
timestamp* | str | Unix time in millis string used at the time of signature |
signature* | str | SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple e.g. |
Native Response Object
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are optional.
Native Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
assets | array of objects | List of native ad assets. |
link | object | The Native Link Object. This is the default link object for the ad. Individual assets can also have a link object which applies if the asset is activated (clicked). If the asset has no link object, the parent link object applies. |
ext* | object | |
ver* | string | Version of the Native Markup version in use, for example, |
privacy* | string | If support was indicated in the request, return the URL of a page informing the user about the buyer’s targeting activity. |
eventtrackers* | array of objects | Specifies what type of event tracking is supported, see Event Tracker Response Object |
imptrackers ** | array of strings | Deprecated since version 5.3: replaced by the An array of impression tracking URLs, expected to return a 1x1 image or 204 response, for example, |
jstracker* | string | Deprecated since version 5.3: replaced by the Optional JavaScript impression tracker. This should be valid HTML with JavaScript already wrapped in Note: Currently the only Supplier that supports this field is TripleLift. |
(**) imptrackers array should be used with following constraints:
For Rubicon, only one element is guaranteed to be triggered. Place the trackers in the order of importance, otherwise, this array is optional and may not be present in each response.
Native Assets Object
(*) There may be exactly one of the fields marked with an asterisk in one asset object.
(**) The link object is optional and may not be present in each response.
Native Asset Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
id | integer | A unique asset ID, must match one of the asset IDs in the bid request, for example, |
required* | integer | Set to |
title* | object | Title object for a title asset, see, Native Assets Title Object. |
img* | object | Image object for an image asset, see, Native Assets Image Object. |
video* | object | Video object for a video asset, see, Native Asset Video Object. |
data* | object | Data object for a data asset, see, Native Asset Data Object. |
link ** | object | Link object for a call to action.
Native Assets Title Object
Native Asset Title Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
text* | string | The text associated with the title element. |
Native Assets Image Object
Native Asset Image Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
url | string | (Required) URL of the image asset, for example, |
h | integer | (Recommended) Height of the image in pixels, for example, |
w | integer | (Recommended) Width of the image in pixels, for example, |
If the Supplier specifies the exact w/h or the wmin/hmin in the bid request, the bid response must contain the w/h
values and these fields become required, see the relevant request field for details Native Asset Image Object.
Native Asset Data Object
Native Asset Data Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
value | string | The formatted string of data to be displayed. Can contain a formatted value such as |
Native Link Object
Native Link Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
url | string | Landing URL of the clickable link, for example, |
clicktrackers* | array of strings | Click tracker URLs to be activated when the URL is clicked, for example, |
Native Video Response Object
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are optional.
Native Asset Video Object
Native Asset Video Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
vasttag | string | Vast XML, use the following example to format your VAST XML response. See the VAST Tag example below, Video Asset vasttag Example. |
ext* | object |
Native Asset Video Object Extension¶
Native Asset Video Object Extension Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
playbackmethod* | integer | Desired video playback method |
Native Link Object Properties | ||
Value | Type | Description |
url | string | Landing URL of the clickable link, for example, |
clicktrackers* | array of strings | Click tracker URLs to be activated when the URL is clicked, for example, |
Event Tracker Response Object
The event trackers response is an array of objects and specifies the types of events the bidder wishes to track and the URLs/information to track them. Buyers must only respond with methods indicated as available in the request.
Most javascript trackers expect to be loaded at impression time, so it’s not generally recommended for the Buyer to respond with javascript trackers on other events. Still, the appropriateness of this is up to each Buyer.
Event Tracker Response Object | ||
Value | Type | Description |
event | integer | Type of event to track, see the Event Tracking Types table |
method | integer | Type of method to track, see the Event Tracking Methods table |
url* | string | The URL of the impage or js. Required for image or js, optional for custom. This value can contain the |
customdata* | object | containing |
ext* | object | This object is a placeholder that may contain custom JSON agreed to by the parties to support flexibility beyond the standard defined in this specification. |
Data Response Object
Can be used to return arbitrary data to your Suppliers, if they support this field.
Bid Response Data Extension Object | ||
Value | Type | Description |
name | string | Used to specify the name of the entity to which the value refers, e.g. |
value | string | The value for the named data type being returned to the Supplier, e.g. |
Display Banner Bid Response
The following example shows an ad being served from the adm
field, with the bid price for the impression being $9.43 CPM.
Secure Banner Bid Response
The following example shows an ad being served from the adm
field, with the bid price for the impression being $9.43 CPM, and suitable for serving in HTTPS environment.
iOS 14 Banner Bid Response
See the highlighted lines that denote the iOS 14 fields, see the Protocol Release Notes for more details.
Video Bid Response
Secure Video Bid Response
Secure Audio Bid Response
Native Bid Response
Secure Native Bid Response
The following example shows a native bid response with the title and image asset specified for serving in an HTTPS environment.
Multi-bid Response
Please pay attention to the following conditions:
The total size of your response should not exceed 50 kb
There can be 2
objects within 1seatbid
objectA response containing two bids for the same impression should contain both
objects within the
array of objects
The following bid response example contains two bids, one for $9.43 CPM and one for $5.50 CPM. Both bids target the same ad slot, both would take part in the auction and if the first one is discarded due to publisher-side blocklist then the second one would be able to win the auction.
Private Deal Bid Response
Buyer No Bid Response
The following example shows a No Bid Response coming from a Buyer, which is an empty bid response.
The preferred No Bid Response format is an empty HTTP 204 response.
No Bid Reason
The following example shows a No Bid Reason response, which includes the reason code in the nbr
field. See the Buyer No-bid Response / Reason section for more information.