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Bid Request

This is the top-level object that is sent to the Buyer. Each bid request sent from The MediaGrid to a Buyer will contain the following fields.


Fields marked with asterisk (*) are optional.

Bid Request Object Properties






Unique ID of the bid request, provided by Commerce Grid, for example, "b5ba5ed2-547e-4e86-8a84-34a440dad6db"


array of objects

An array of objects representing the impressions offered, for more information, see the Impression Object section.



Device object with details about the device to which the impression will be delivered; for more information, see the Device Object section.



User Object, which describes the user; for more information, see the User Object section.

Note: In the event that a user has opted out under the GDPR or CCPA, this will be passed as an empty object, e.g. "user":{}



Maximum time in milliseconds the exchange allows for bids to be received to avoid timeout, including internet latency, for example, 120.


array of strings

Array of allowed currencies for bids on this bid request using ISO-4217 alpha codes, for example, ["USD", "EUR"]


array of strings

Allowed list of languages for creatives using ISO-639-1-alpha-2. Omission implies no specific restrictions, but buyers would be advised to consider language attributes in the Device and/or Content objects if available. Only one of wlang or wlangb should be present.


array of strings

Allowed list of languages for creatives using IETF BCP 47I. Omission implies no specific restrictions, but buyers would be advised to consider language attributes in the Device and/or Content objects if available. Only one of wlang or wlangb should be present.



Auction type, the default value is 2.

  • 1: the first price auction.

  • 2: the second price auction.



Indicates the entity responsible for the final impression sale decision; see the Source Object.



The Site Object describes the site. One of these objects should be present in the request: site, app,, or ext.dooh.



The App Object describes the mobile application. One of these objects should be present in the request: site, app,, or ext.dooh.


array of strings

Blocked Advertiser Categories, using the IAB taxonomy, and extended with additional sensitive categories listed in the Sensitive Categories and Rich Media section. Creatives belonging to at least one of the listed categories are not permitted for bidding in the current bid request, for example, ["IAB10-1", "IAB25", "TMG3"]



The taxonomy in use for bcat. If no cattax field is supplied, the IAB Content Category Taxonomy 1.0 (1) is assumed. For the most up-to-date list, refer to the AdCOM 1.0 list List.

  • 1 IAB Tech Lab Content Category Taxonomy 1.0

  • 2 IAB Tech Lab Content Category Taxonomy 2.0

  • 3 IAB Tech Lab Ad Product Taxonomy 1.0

  • 4 IAB Tech Lab Audience Taxonomy 1.1

  • 5 IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy 2.1

  • 6 IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy 2.2

  • 500+ Vendor-specific codes


array of strings

Array of strings of blocked top-level domains of advertisers, for example, ["", ""]


array of strings

A list of applications blocked from being advertised, specified using their platform-specific identifiers, i.e., the app bundle ID. On Android, these should be app bundles and on iOS, numeric IDs e.g. ["", "012987652"]


array of strings

An array of Buyer seats allowed bidding on this auction; for example ["58", "61", "99"]. If this field is present, the specified seat IDs may be supplied using Commerce Grid or Supplier taxonomy.

A bid request may contain multiple seat IDs using the Supplier taxonomy. The bid response should contain the appropriate seat value corresponding to one of the values of the wseat field; for more details, see the Seat Bid Object section.


array of strings

An array of Buyer seats were disallowed to bid on this auction, for example ["58", "61", "99"]. If this field is present, it can be assumed that the Seat IDs refer to agency buyers, because if the Commerce Grid Buyer ID is set in the original Supplier request, it is not sent to the DSP.

The wseat the field takes precedence, so if the same value is in both fields the request is sent to the Buyer.



A flag to indicate if the Supplier can verify that the impressions offered to represent all of the impressions available in context (e.g., all on the web page, all video spots such as pre/mid/post roll) to support road-blocking.

  • 0 = no or unknown

  • 1 = yes, the impressions offered represent all that are available.



A regulations object that specifies any industry, legal, or governmental regulations in force for this request, for more information, see the Regs Object section.



Ext Object used for Supplier specific properties, for more information, see the Ext Object section.