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Welcome! This document will explain integrating with Commerce Grid's App SDK solution.

You will be able to monetize your mobile apps by accessing Criteo’s unique demand with a fast, lightweight, and flexible integration. Choose between our App Bidding SDK or use our adapter for your mediation provider. Pick the method that applies to you and follow the below guide to start the integration.

Criteo Publisher SDK is open source and available in GitHub.

  • Target iOS 11.0 or higher

Import Criteo Publisher SDK via Cocoapod

Add the following pod into your Podfile:

pod 'CriteoPublisherSdk'

Then, run pod install --repo-update in order to download all your dependencies.

Manual Installation

Download Criteo Publisher SDK:

Download Criteo Publisher iOS SDK v4.7.0

Add Criteo Framework to your XCode Project
  1. Unzip the file you downloaded above, and move CriteoPublisherSdk.framework into your app's directory.

  2. In Xcode, Select the project in the Project Navigator, then select the General tab at the top of the Editor area. Click the + button under Linked Frameworks and Libraries in the Editor area.

  3. The item chooser will drop down from the top of the Editor area.

  4. Click the Add Other... button, navigate and select the CriteoPublisherSdk.framework package in your app directory, and click Open.

  5. The Framework will appear in the Project Navigator as well as the Linked Frameworks and Libraries sections of the editor.

  6. In your Project's Build Settings, add -ObjC to Other Linker Flags if it's not already there. This flag is now required as our implementation is a static library that uses categories.

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This guide explains how to get test ads for your Criteo integration, and to get ready publishing your app in the store.

Troubleshooting Logs

Enable troubleshooting logs during initialization to get verbose logs from Criteo SDK by calling setVerboseLogsEnabled:.


[Criteo setVerboseLogsEnabled:YES];



Test Ad Unit IDs

The easiest way to enable testing and get test banners is to use the Test Ad Unit IDs on your Criteo Ad Unit definition. All Ad Server codes and configurations are to be kept unchanged.

These Test Ad Unit IDs are not associated to your account, be sure to replace the Ad Unit ID back to your own Ad Unit ID after testing is completed.


Test Ad Unit ID







In-Banner Video


For App Bidding integrations, Test Ad Unit IDs returns a bid in US Dollar (USD) by default. If your Ad Server uses a different currency, you can append the expected 3 digit currency code behind the Test Ad Unit ID, separated by a dash -. For example, you can use 30s6zt3ayypfyemwjvmp-JPY for Banner Test Ad Unit ID that returns a bid in Japanese Yen.

App Bidding - Overview

What Is App Bidding?

App Bidding allows App Developers to build a transparent and fair auction for their ad inventory by offering every ad opportunity to multiple demand partners in real time. In App Bidding, each demand partner has the opportunity to compete fairly and win an impression based on the highest bid.

Why is App Bidding beneficial for App Developers?

App Bidding provides many benefits to App Developers:

  • Optimize revenues by getting the highest CPM for each ad opportunity

  • Provides full transparency on the value of your ad inventory

  • Requires less manual maintenance and less resources

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager

This document will explain integrating Commerce Grid's App SDK solution to your iOS app with Google Ad Manager.


App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - SDK Initialization

Criteo SDK is designed to be used as a singleton. We have provided access to the singleton instance via the sharedCriteo property of the Criteo class.

Initialize Criteo SDK, ideally in your AppDelegate, with registerCriteoPublisherId:withAdUnits:. This needs to be done only once.






Your Criteo Publisher ID.
Contact your Criteo representative to get your Criteo Publisher ID.



List of Ad Manager AdUnits you'd like Criteo to monetize

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Banner - Load Criteo Bids

Load Criteo bids using loadBidForAdUnit:responseHandler: method that takes 2 parameters:






CRBannerAdUnit object for this request


(void (^)(CRBid *bid))

A handler that will be executed when a response is received, or timed out. The handler passes a CRBid object, or nil if no bid.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Banner - Set Criteo bids on GAM

Set Criteo bids on GAMRequest object

On the response handler, check if the CRBid object is not nil, then call enrichAdObject:withBid: to set the bid on your GAMRequest object.






An instance of GAMRequest class, or any of their subclasses



CRBid object returned by the response handler

Then, you can call loadRequest: on your GAMBannerView object.

The method enrichAdObject:withBid: appends Criteo custom targeting into a GAMRequest object while preserving pre-existing targeting. If you implement your own custom targeting, or if you have multiple bidders that use custom targeting, it is recommended to set Criteo targeting last, after setting all other targeting, to make sure that they are not overwritten.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Interstitial - Load Criteo Bids

Load Criteo bids using loadBidForAdUnit:responseHandler: method that takes 2 parameters:






CRInterstitialAdUnit object for this request


(void (^)(CRBid *bid))

A handler that will be executed when a response is received, or timed out. The handler passes a CRBid object, or nil if no bid.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Interstitial - Set Criteo bids

Set Criteo bids on GAMRequest object

On the response handler, check if the CRBid object is not nil, then call enrichAdObject:withBid: to set the bid on your GAMRequest object.






An instance of GAMRequest class, or any of their subclasses



CRBid object returned by the response handler

Then, you can call loadWithAdUnitID:request:completionHandler: static method on the GAMInterstitialAd class.

The method enrichAdObject:withBid: appends Criteo custom targeting into a GAMRequest object while preserving pre-existing targeting. If you implement your own custom targeting, or if you have multiple bidders that use custom targeting, it is recommended to set Criteo targeting last, after setting all other targeting, to make sure that they are not overwritten.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Rewarded - Load Criteo Bids

Load Criteo bids using loadBidForAdUnit:responseHandler: method that takes 2 parameters:






CRRewardedAdUnit object for this request


(void (^)(CRBid *bid))

A handler that will be executed when a response is received, or timed out. The handler passes a CRBid object, or nil if no bid.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Rewarded - Set Criteo bids

Set Criteo bids on GAMRequest object

On the response handler, check if the CRBid object is not nil, then call enrichAdObject:withBid: to set the bid on your GAMRequest object.






An instance of GAMRequest class, or any of their subclasses



CRBid object returned by the response handler

Then, you can call loadWithAdUnitID:request:completionHandler: static method on the GAMRewardedAd class.

The method enrichAdObject:withBid: appends Criteo custom targeting into a GAMRequest object while preserving pre-existing targeting. If you implement your own custom targeting, or if you have multiple bidders that use custom targeting, it is recommended to set Criteo targeting last, after setting all other targeting, to make sure that they are not overwritten.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Ad Server Setup

Criteo App Bidding solution works best with high-density price granularity line item setup. You will need to create the first line item as a base template and duplicate the line item for all other price granularity.

Please contact your Criteo representative for an alternative automated solution.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Ad Server Setup - Keywords

Go to Inventory > Key-values and click on New Key to create 2 key-values:

  • Name: crt_cpm, crt_size, and crt_format

  • Value type: Dynamic

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Ad Server Setup - Order

Go to Delivery > All orders and click on New Order to create a new Order for Criteo App SDK campaign.

Hit Add Line Item.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Ad Server Setup - 1st Line Item

Now you can create the first line item. The goal is to create one dedicated line item per different CPM price band based on this first line item.

On the next page, choose Display as Ad Type.

  • Name: Use a self-explanatory name like Criteo App SDK Line Item

  • Line Item Type: Select the priority type as agreed with your Criteo representative.

  • Expected creatives:

    • Include all Banner formats available on your page. Eg: 320x50, 300x250, 320x100

    • For Interstitial, please add all 4 sizes according to Google Ad Manager's recommendation: 320x480, 480x320, 768x1024, and 1024x768

Below the list of sizes, click on Show Creative Details, and on the Creative Targeting section, select Add new targeting. As of Criteo SDK v3.6.0 creative targeting is required for each Banner sizes.

On the popup shown, write a name for the targeting, for example Criteo Targeting 320x50, and on the Custom targeting section, select crt_size with the expected banner size as the value.

Make sure to add Creative Targeting for all of your Banner sizes, and leave Interstitial sizes without targeting.

  • Delivery settings:

    • Rate: For our line item template, we'll use 0.01.

    • Type: CPM

Select the inventory for the campaign and add a Custom targeting crt_cpm with the same value that we put in the Rate field, i.e. 0.01.

Select the AND button to add a second key-value crt_format. Select is none of and enter video. This ensures the line item will not get called to deliver on video impressions.

Finally, hit Save and follow the creative steps below.

GAM3_NewLineItem_AdType_Display (1).png
131.1 KB

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Ad Server Setup - Creatives

Go to Delivery > Creatives, click on New creative and type the same advertiser name that you used to create Order, then choose Third party as creative type.

On the next page, enter:

  • Name: Criteo App SDK Creative

  • Target ad unit size: Enter one of the inventory sizes, e.g. 320x50

  • Code type: Standard

  • Code: paste the code located below

Hit Save.

Repeat this action for every inventory sizes you have on your app.

12.8 KB
GAM4_Creative_TypeThirdParty (1).png
146.2 KB
GAM4_Creative_Code (1).png
167.4 KB

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Ad Server Setup - Add Creatives

Add Creatives to Line Item

Go back to the first line item created, click on the Creatives tab and on Existing creative, and you will be able to list and include the recently created ones.

Please repeat this action for every format you have configured.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Ad Server Setup -Remaining item

Remaining line items

Now that you have the first line item fully configured, you can simply duplicate it and reuse the existing creatives. To do so, go to the line items page, select the first line item's respective checkbox and click on Copy to.

In the dialog presented, select Copy and share creatives, and copy to the Same order. Enter the total number of line item price bands you'd like to have in the Number of copies field.

After line items are copied, please don't forget to update:

  • Line item names

  • CPM rates

  • Custom targetings

in order to reflect each respective line item's price band.

You can edit those values directly from the list page by clicking on the pencil icon on the corner of each field when you hover your mouse over each line item row.

Once you are set, select all the new line items and click on the Resume button.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Ad Server Setup - Project

Sample Project

See sample implementation of Criteo App Bidding with Google Ad Manager in GitHub.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style

Native styles enable Google Ad Manager to handle the rendering of your native ads based on native styles you specify.

You don't need to do any of the rendering; Ad Manager automatically applies the right native style for the destination. Native styles are implemented just like banner ads, using a PublisherAdView.

Learn more about Native Styles here.


This guide assumes that you have initialized Criteo SDK according to the Google Ad Manager integration guide.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - Load Criteo Bids

Native Style Ads are rendered using GAMBannerView, similar to Banner, with the exception that the size is Fluid.

Load Criteo bids using loadBidForAdUnit:responseHandler: method that takes 2 parameters:






CRNativeAdUnit object for this request


(void (^)(CRBid *bid))

A handler that will be executed when a response is received, or timed out. The handler passes a CRBid object, or nil if no bid.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - Set Criteo Bids

Set Criteo bids on GAMRequest object

On the response handler, check if the CRBid object is not nil, then call enrichAdObject:withBid: to set the bid on your GAMRequest object.






An instance of GAMRequest class, or any of their subclasses



CRBid object returned by the response handler

Then, you can call loadRequest: on your GAMBannerView object.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup

Criteo App Bidding solution works best with high density price granularity line item setup. You will need to create the first line item as a base template, and duplicate the line item for all other price granularity. Please contact your Criteo representative for an alternative automated solution.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup - Ads

Native Ads

Create a new Native Ad on your Google Ad Manager Account.

On the next page, select "HTML & CSS editor".

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup - Settings

Native Ad Settings

A new page will appear to setup your Native Ad Settings. Name the native style, and select Fluid for Ad Size.

If this is your first time creating Native Ad settings, select New Format and fill in the format name, no other variables needed. If you have created native format previously, you may choose Existing format to select your previously created Native Format.

Press Continue.

On the next step, you will need to enter native style in HTML and CSS format.

Criteo provides several native templates that you can use as a base to expand your native creative. Please see the next section Native Style Templates.

Alternatively, feel free to use your own native templates and make sure to include Criteo macros and javascript codes on your template, so that Criteo native elements are captured within your native template.

After adding HTML & CSS native template, press Continue.

On the last step, select your native inventory where you'd like to run this ad, and press Save and Finish

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup - Templates

Native Style Templates

Criteo provides basic HTML & CSS template that you can use as a base to expand native creative. Copy and paste the whole code block below into HTML and CSS tab respectively, and feel free to make modifications to suit the look and feel of your mobile application.

If you already have your own existing native template, please include Criteo macros and javascript codes provided below on your template, so that Criteo native elements are captured within your native template.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup - Keywords

Go to Inventory > Key-values and click on New Key and create the key-value

  • Key name: crt_cpm

  • Value type: Users will enter targeting values when creating line items or checking inventory. (Free-form)

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup - Order

Go to Delivery > All orders and click on New Order and create one new Order for Criteo App SDK campaign. Alternatively, use an existing order if you wish.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup - 1st Line Item

You can create the first line on the same page. The goal is to create one dedicated line item per different CPM price band.

We will create the unitary CPM for this first line item:

  • Name: Please use a self-explanatory name like Criteo App SDK (Native) 1.00

  • Inventory sizes: Select the Native Format created earlier

  • Labels section: Please check Allow same advertiser exception

  • Type: Please select the priority as agreed with your Criteo representative.

  • Start time: Immediately

  • End time: Unlimited

  • Limit: None

  • Rate: Please include here the CPM. On this first example we will use $1.00

  • Display Creatives: One or More.

  • Rotate Creatives: Evenly

Finally, please select the inventory for the campaign and add the following targeting:

  • Type: Choose Key-values

  • Select a key: Choose crt_cpm

  • Value: choose is and input 1.00

Finally, hit save and follow with the creative steps below.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup - Creatives

Go to Delivery > Creatives > All creatives and click on Add creative and type the same advertiser name that you used to create Order.

Select Native, then choose the native format you created earlier. Hit Continue.

  • Name: Please use self explanatory name like Criteo Native Creative

  • Click-Through URL: This field is required, however we will not use this static field in our native creative because Criteo click-through URL is dynamic and will be available through macro defined in the Native Style we created before. Fill in any value for this field, for example so that we can submit the form.

Leave the rest of the fields empty. Hit Save.

Go back to the first line item created, click on the Creatives tab and on use existing creatives, and you will be able to list and include the recently created one.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup - Remaining items

Remaining line items

Now that you have the first line item fully configured, you can simply duplicate it and reuse the existing creatives. To do so, go to the line item pages, select its respective checkbox and click on More actions > Copy and share creatives. Repeat this action for all the different price bands you have.

Please don't forget to update:

  • The line item name

  • The CPM

  • The keyword targeting the respective price band

You can edit those values directly from the list page by clicking on the icon on the corner of each field:

  • Line item name

  • CPM

  • Inventory and keyword targeting

Once you are set, select all the new line items and click on the Resume button.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Native Style - AdServer Setup - Sample Project

See sample implementation of Criteo App Bidding with Google Ad Manager in GitHub.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Video


This guide assumes that you have initialized Criteo SDK according to the Google Ad Manager integration guide.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Video - Video Integration

Interstitial Video

To include Video for Interstitial:

  • Integrate Interstitial format

  • Create Video order and line items, see Ad Server Setup section below

  • Activate Interstitial Video on Criteo side. Please reach out to your Criteo Account Manager.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Video - Ad Server Setup - Order

Go to Delivery > All orders and click on New Order to create a new Order for Criteo App SDK campaign.

Create a new Criteo App SDK Video Order.

Next create the first line item:

Choose Video as Ad Type.

  • Name: Use a self-explanatory name like Criteo App SDK Video Line Item

  • Line Item Type: Select the priority type as agreed with your Criteo representative.

  • Expected creatives: Include all Video formats available. Eg: 640x480v, 300x400v

  • Delivery settings:

    • Rate: For our line item template, we'll use 0.01.

    • Type: CPM

Select the inventory for the campaign and add a Custom targeting crt_cpm with the same value that we put in the Rate field, i.e. 0.01.

Please always use two decimals within the custom targeting as Google Ad Manager handles them as Strings and not real numbers.

GAM Video Order.png
17.3 KB
GAM Video Line.png
52.1 KB
GAM Video Keyword Targeting.png
34.6 KB

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Video - Ad Server Setup - Creatives

Go to Delivery > Creatives, click on New creative and type the same advertiser name that you used to create Order, then choose Redirect as creative type.

On the next page, enter:

  • Name: Criteo App SDK Video Creative

  • Target ad unit size: Enter one of the inventory sizes, e.g. 640x480v

  • VAST tag URL:

  • Duration: 0

  • Skippable: Disabled

Hit Save.

Repeat this action for every inventory sizes you have on your app.

App Bidding - Google Ad Manager - Video - Ad Server Setup - Add Creatives to Line Iteù

Go back to the first line item created, click on the Creatives tab and on Existing creative, and you will be able to list and include the recently created ones.

Please repeat this action for every format you have configured.

App Bidding - Max Applovin

Criteo has integrated as an App Bidding network within the MAX platform. Please refer to the guide here for details on how to get started: MAX Criteo Integration Guide