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Welcome! This document will explain how to integrate with Criteo's Direct Bidder solution on AMP pages.

This solution relies on AMP RTC. Being a registered vendor, all you need to do is to declare Criteo on your amp-ad tags along with the zoneid provided by your Criteo representative. This generates an asynchronous call so Criteo can identify the user and return with a bid. You can define a timeout threshold before calling the adserver. The bid information is automatically sent to the adserver, triggering the Criteo campaigns using custom keyword criteria.


You will receive from Criteo:

  • A list of identifiers for each ad placement and/or format you have available on the page

  • Code samples demonstrating how to map the placements

  • Creative codes to be used in the adserver

We will need you to:

  • Implement the Criteo RTC configuration on your amp-ad tags

  • Update your adserver setup. Alternatively, your Criteo contact can provide an automated solution.

    • Create the line items for the different bid prices in your adserver

    • Implement the targeting rules and the creative code

  • Criteo complies with IAB Consent Framework. Please refer to their documentation for more information and examples of certified CMPs.